6 days ago

Dark Mode Toggle Implementation

We introduced a dark mode toggle, allowing users to switch between light and dark themes for enhanced visual comfort and accessibility

Speed Improvement.

We have worked really hard to improve the overall speed of the application. You will now see products loading faster when scrolling for example.

Favorites Speed Improvement.

We have completely reworked the code behind the "favorites" features to improve speed, reliability and user experience.

Speed Improvements

We are happy to announce that we have upgraded our server infrastructure to bring you a new lightning-fast version of Podly. We now combine the biggest and fastest database on the market.

Largest archive database.

We have improve the whole archive database. You will now be able to go as far back as December 2017 and find the best product that were selling back then. We now have the largest Archive database of Print on Demand product on Amazon. In the coming week we will rework the user experience of the archive database to improve usabilty.

Research Speed Improvement accross all software

We are delighted to announce an update to our product search algorithm in Podly! This enhanced version allows you to search for products with even greater speed - we've seen an impressive 125% increase in research speed compared to the previous algorithm. That means quicker results and more efficient workflows for you. Enjoy this speedier, smoother searching experience with Podly!

Improved Light UI

We have increased the contrast of the "Light UI" to improve the usability of our platform.

New Light UI