Recently Deleted Page Bug Fix.

We resolved several bugs on the Recently Deleted page, enhancing its reliability and overall user experience.

Search Functionality Bug Fix

We addressed bugs affecting the search feature, ensuring more accurate results and a more responsive search experience.

Listing Processor Bug Fix.

We fixed both visual and functional issues within the Listing Processor, resulting in a smoother and more reliable listing experience.

Favorites Visual Bug Fix

We have resolved a visual glitch in the Favorites tab to ensure items display correctly and improve overall usability.

Best Seller Rank for KDP products

Fixed a bug where BSRs for KDP were not showing correctly.

Product Image Sizes

Product images were not displayed in their entirety. We fixed that, now you can see the whole product image size.

Bug Fix : Trademark check on Chrome extension

We are pleased to announce that the issues with the Podly extension have been resolved. The trademark checking functionality is now operating correctly, and the input boxes for title, brand, bullets, and description are appearing as expected after checking trademarks.